Book a room
If your dates are at all flexible, please let us know. We book up quickly, especially on weekends, but would love to find a way to host you.
Book Direct $180 per night. (This is the price for 2 guests)
Extra guests incur a fee of $30 per night
All rates are in New Zealand dollars & minimum stay 3 nights
Maximum 4 guests staying at the Lumsden Bach.
You may cancel up until 1 month prior to 1st night of booking & incur only a 4% fee.
Lumsden BachCancellation Fees
Cancel within 1 month- 25%
Cancel within 2 weeks- 50%
Cancel within 72 hours- 100%SECURITY POLICY
Your payment is processed through Stripe. Stripe system secures all customer and credit-card data at the highest level of encryption available. All data is transferred using Stripe secure servers & paid directly into Lumsden Bach- Heather McDonald & Lance Benseman Bank Account .